
The Longest Running Public Speaking Club in Calgary

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December News – Foothills Toastmasters Newsletter

November is over and so is the 100TH Grey Cup game. The Calgary Stampeders were sooo close, only about 15 more completed passes for several hundred yards would’ve surely won the game for us. But look on the bright side at least you’re Toastmaster. That means a lot! Should you be a guest who is reading this newsletter and you haven’t actually joined yet, you are probably smarting from the Grey Cup loss much more. I strongly urge you to join our club, become a Toastmaster, and allow us to make you forget about the pain. I promise you’ll feel better. All the cruelties of the outside world are more easily dealt with when balanced with the joy of being a Toastmaster.

Seriously though, I am proud to be a Calgarian because only two teams made it to the 100th Grey Cup match and Calgary was one of them. Congratulations Stampeders! At least Torontonians have something to be proud of now. We have to be gracious every now and then and throw them a bone. We can’t all be so lucky as to live in this great city of ours.

Club News:
We enjoyed some excellent speeches and other presentations at Foothills Toastmasters this month. One in particular had us rolling in the aisles with laughter. Toastmaster Bath, pictured here, told us how he has succeeded in overcoming his issue with nail biting. If you look closely you will see that yes,  he’s holding a baby’s bottle in his hand. There is no way that I could ever do the speech justice by giving you a synopsis here. If you missed the speech you really need to just ask him directly “what’s with the baby bottle?”
On behalf of the executive and all our members I would like to officially welcome our two newest members: B. Zou and S. Gill.

Our final meeting of the year will be December 13 and it will be our Christmas celebration. Toastmaster Kolankowski is in charge of the evening and he will be preparing a fun filled night for all. Members are welcome and encouraged to bring a friend or family members. The invitation has been emailed out. Contact TM Kolankowski if you need any more information. I know that he could probably use a volunteer or two to help get things organized.

Please tell Toastmaster Evenson-Wilczynska (VP Education) your availability for January as soon as possible.

Club PR:

For those members that are active in the online world I have a couple of things that I’d like you to do which will help our club gain a wider audience and hopefully attract more guests and members.

Facebook users: please go to the Toastmasters international Facebook page and like it. Once in a while please share things about toastmasters within your Facebook account which will tell your friends that you are a Toastmaster.

Twitter users: our club’s Twitter account is @YYCToastmasters. If you are using Twitter please follow it and retweet our tweets. Of course I also encourage you to tweet about our club when you are so inclined.

LinkedIn users: In the section on groups and associations please note that you are a member of the Foothills Toastmasters club. What this does is tell others within your network that you are a member and should one of them ever consider improving their communication skills they just might reach out to you.

If you are using any one of these three technologies but you’re not quite sure how to do what I described above feel free to ask me and I would be happy to explain it to you.

S. Fylypchuk
VP Public Relations
Foothills Toastmasters


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