
The Longest Running Public Speaking Club in Calgary

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March News – Foothills Toastmasters Calgary

It’s contest time!! Are you ready?

By now everybody knows that yours truly is the contest chair for the international speech and evaluation contest happening March 14 at our club. I know that all of you have watched the little video I prepared especially for the club members. You did watch the video. . . right? It’s posted in the blog entry immediately prior to this one.

Just in case you forgot. . .

Which I know you didn’t. . .but just in case.

It’s a unique chance to perform under a little bit more pressure than a regular meeting, which will sharpen your skills even more, and that’s what we’re all about at Toastmasters. You have N. L’Hirondelle as your Toastmaster for the evening and she’s organizing the list of contestants. If you want to compete but you haven’t already registered with her please do so as soon as possible. If you would like to give the test speech, which the evaluation contestants will evaluate, by all means please notify TM E. Wheeler immediately. You will get tremendous feedback on just the one speech. We also need other support staff in order to make the event a success. TM Wheeler is in charge of organizing the support staff. Your attendance, in any role, is greatly appreciated so please make a special effort to attend March 14th.

TM N. Amor told us about another upcoming & exciting event. She is spearheading the effort to hold a screening (or 2) of Speak! The movie about TOASTMASTERS! I mean, come on! We have our own movie! How many people can say that? Check out the trailer. Foothills Toastmasters is taking the bull by the horns and bringing this movie to Calgary. I want to personally congratulate and thank TM Amor for making this happen. (I know it hasn’t happened yet, but it will.) It will be a fantastic event in Calgary raising the awareness of all the TM clubs across the city. You need to come, bring your family and also bring many friends. This is an especially powerful way to demonstrate the benefits of becoming a Toastmaster. We’ll have new members lined up waiting to join after seeing it.

Speaking of new members. Yet again this month, I have the pleasure of officially announcing H. Konschuh & P. Sztain as our two newest members. Welcome to you both.


Please tell Toastmaster Evenson-Wilczynska (VP Education) your availability for April as soon as possible. And if you constantly need her to call you to get that information, then imagine a large virtual finger wagging at you with admonishment. Please try to make her life a little easier.

Stay tuned for more information about our Sons & Daughters meeting coming soon. I’ll make a special announcement once the date is set.

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