
The Longest Running Public Speaking Club in Calgary

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57 Years Old Celebration

On February 16, 2017, Foothills Toastmasters held its 57th year birthday party! We invited all previous club alumni and ended up with a room full of engaged speakers for a celebration of success.

It was not the usual Foothills meeting structure, but rather concentrated on speeches and table topics from a solid core of current members. We had some alumni take on roles, as well.

Prepared speeches are generally 5-7 minutes in length and the art is to keep your talk to one central thought, or theme, with an opening, body, and closing. Some of our members have gone on to become professional speakers but most use their new abilities to go on to become leaders and otherwise enhance their careers and achieve greater success in life.

This goes on each Thursday night at our club, from 6pm to about 8:15pm and guests are always welcome. In fact, we go out of our way to make you feel right at home.

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