“Toastmaster Kowlankowski will represent the club at the Area C34 contest. The contest will be held by Liv Ad-Libs club on Monday April 8th at 7 pm. The venue is located at 1925 – 18 Avenue Northeast – Room #320. Map at: http://toastmasterscalgary.com/contact-us/. We need volunteers for Judges (no more than one per club), Timers, Ballot Counters, Sergeant at Arms, and Test Speakers. Test speakers can receive credit for a manual speech. For your information, The Division C Spring Contest will be held between April 11th and 20th. Come on out and support Toastmaster A. Kolankowski!
“I’m not sure how many of you’ve ever read the ToastMaster magazine that comes to us each month. I can’t say that I read it from cover to cover but I try to take a look at some more interesting articles when I can. The latest issue has excellent article titled “Beyond the club experience.”
The focus of the article is seeking out and/or creating opportunities to speak outside of your own club. Of course some of us are speaking in front of people on a regular basis due to our vocations. Like many people, you may not get that much opportunity to speak in front of others but there “are” ways.
I highly recommend taking a quick look at the article if you have any interest in speaking outside of the club. There are many other organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, or Lions that are actively looking for speakers to come to their meetings. If you prepare a speech with a theme that can be tied into certain a organization’s mandate or something that is humorous, motivational, entertaining, or informative you will find venues to present it. I’m not suggesting that you become the next Tony Robbins, unless you want to, but let’s stretch our wings a bit and take these speaking skills out for a spin. You just might be the next Tony Robbins.
I would like to officially announce A. Ahn and Y. Huang as our two newest members. Welcome to you both.
Our next Executive meeting is April 11 right after our regular meeting. There is an open invitation to anyone that would ever like to sit in and listen.
Please tell Toastmaster Evenson-Wilczynska (VP Education) your availability for May as soon as possible.