
The Longest Running Public Speaking Club in Calgary

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Frequently Asked Questions

“The experience with Foothills Toastmasters Club is a life-change-event for me. After 4 years with Foothills Toastmasters, I gained tremendous confidence and became more skillful to speak in public. My interpersonal communication has been improved as well. These achievements couldn’t be made without strong support from Foothills Toastmasters’ friendly members.” – R. Wang, member since 2009.

Frequently Asked Questions (Specific to Our Club):

Q: Is Foothills Toastmasters currently open for new members?
A: Yes, we are currently open for new members. Our club constitution includes of a membership cap of 40 members, and at times in the past we have had to close the club to new members.

Q: Can I visit Foothills Toastmasters as a guest?
A: Yes. Our fee is $22 and includes a meal with dessert.

Q: If I come as a guest, is there anything I should prepare?
A: No, there is nothing to prepare. You are there as our guest. Contacting us through the contact form helps us to anticipate your visit and make sure you are taken care of in the warm spirit of Foothills Toastmasters.

Q: Are guests required to speak?
A: If there are roles available in the evening, we will often invite our guests to fill those roles. Guests are not required to speak, however we do appreciate a few comments or feedback at the end of the meeting.

Q: Is the club easy to access from downtown?
A: Yes (50% of our members work in the downtown core). Please see the location page for more information on finding the club.

Q: As a member, what if I can’t make a meeting in which I have an assigned role?
A: Club courtesy is to arrange for a replacement for your role by contacting people directly.

Q: Can I use one of my prepared speeches to practice a presentation for my charity or business?
A: Absolutely! Prepared speeches are a great way to practice for your “real world” presentations.

Q: Can I advertise my charity or business by doing such things as handing out business cards / pamphlets to everyone, or phoning or sending an email to everyone on the club’s list?
A: Member information is private and confidential and we do not allow the use the club or the email / contact list for charitable or business purposes.

Q: What if I’m not sure of what to do for a role?
A: You can download a PDF file with a description of roles here. As well, the majority of our members are happy to help describe individual roles. Please feel free to ask anyone in the club.

Q: Are membership fees & meeting costs tax deductible?
A: Club membership and costs should qualify as educational tax deductions; however, check with your accountant first.

Website Disclaimer:
The information on this Web site is for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toasmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information.

We are proudly affiliated with Toastmasters International and share a common Mission, Values, Policy, and Procedures

Toastmasters International Mission and Values

Toastmasters International Policies and Procedures